Case – Hypoglycemia – Clinic 1

You are doing an evening clinic when the social worker calls you about Mr Hilroy, whom she is seeing for grief counselling after the loss of his sister. The social worker says he is sweaty and confused.

You know him to be a 70 yo diabetic with poor control of his blood glucose.


What actions would you take, and what would your initial assessment include?
Hypoglycemia can cause adrenergic and neuroglycopenic symptoms - describe.
What are some risk factors for hypoglycemia?
Mr Hilroy has a plasma glucose of 2.6 mmol/L. He is able to follow commands. How do you treat him?
When you check on him in 15 minutes, he is now more confused, though does have a pulse of 60 and a RR of 22. His plasma glucose is now 1.8 mmol/L. How do you respond?

You hand over to EMS, who transport him to the hospital for stabilization. He regains full function within 30 minutes and is discharged home after a few hours, to follow up with you tomorrow for insulin adjustment.

Given the severity of his condition, you alert the Ministry of Health to prompt a driving safety assessment.