Vascular Access Simulators
Simulators for vascular access may be used alongside an actor, during pre-arrest scenarios, or alongside CPR/airway mannequins if the ‘patient’ is non-responsive. The simulators should allow realistic introduction of peripheral or central lines, providing feedback through fluid return. Simulators may be obtained for training with or without POC ultrasound.
Peripheral Access – For Purchase
There are a number of products that are available for purchase, including:
Central Access – For Purchase
Central venous access can be obtained blindly, but using ultrasound guidance is rapidly becoming standard of care. It is important that a trainer provide a realistic experience using ultrasound probes.
Some manufacturers to consider include:
Vascular Access – DIY
Innovators have experimented with materials and approaches for creating vascular access simulators, most commonly using gelatin. These can be built at a very low cost.
Descriptions of peripheral access devices include:
- 5-Minute Sono
- Injectable Orange
- Instructable on fashioning an IV arm using fish tank tubing and silicon
Beginning with successful guidewire placement, dedicated task trainers may be used for practicing use of the introducer and catheter.
These trainers have reservoirs that allow both blood return, as well as bleeding.
courtesy of Lisa Bagby, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Clinical educators from around the world have published on central venous access simulators in peer-review journals. Descriptions of the steps to build these models are helpfully described in the following publications, along with considerations for implementing them into training programs.
Di Domenico et al. 2009.Introducing ultrasound-guided vein catheterization into clinical practice: A step-by-step guide for organizing a hands-on training program with inexpensive handmade models. J Ultrasound. 11(4): 135–142.
Denadai et al, 2014. Simulation-based ultrasound-guided central venous cannulation training program. Acta Cir. Bras. 29(2).
Skin Procedure Simulators
Other Procedural Simulators
Epistaxis and its treatment can be simulated using an airway mannequin and IV tubing, fitted under the skin and connected to a pressure device.
Airway mannequins can usually accept treatments; expired supplies should be maintained for use.
concept courtesy of Jody Nitz, RRT, Central Michigan University
Pericardial tamponade, and ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis, can be simulated using gelatin and a section of ribs.
image courtesy of Jonathan de Cruz
see also dell’Orto et al, 2013